09 September 2006

JU by Fuzzy Moon

The director here where I'm staying just took over sometime earlier this year. She's really nice, and genuinely seems to enjoy talking with people and being helpful. Today another student showed up here who is going to the same language program I am. The director made sure we met this evening. The student is from Germany, and just finished her Masters at a University in Manchester. She hasn't been home for two years, and now she's in Amman where she will stay through June at JU. We talked for well over an hour, and I think we're going to go apartment hunting tomorrow. All of her stuff will arrive tomorrow at the airport, then she's going to come back for me, and we'll go to the police station to get visa extensions. It was good to talk to someone here who isn't an archaeologist. She's not even an anthropologist. Kind of refreshing.


Blogger Weeping Sore said...

Lovely picture of the moon. It reminds me of the children's poem: I see the moon and the moon sees me/ And the moon sees somebody I want to see... /I kiss a rose and the rose kisses me/ Fragrant as only a rose can be./ Please let the Rose that comforts me/ Comfort the one I love.

11:56 PM  

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